
Town vs gown Buckingham Town 2018

Town vs Gown 2018

The annual  Town versus Gown Quiz takes place at the Royal Latin School on 16 November 2018. The winning team will be awarded The Bercow Bowl and each team member will be presented with an engraved glass tankard.  As usual the Quizmaster will be John Bercow, who brings much humour and levity to the event. 

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2017 Town vs Gown

Lasts year’s quiz was so popular that we have decided to do it all again. This year, to ring the changes, the format is slightly different; we are also holding an auction – with lots of fantastic prizes. This will be hosted by local auctioneer Jonathan Humbert which should prove to be extremely entertaining. As

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Bridge Event at Stowe

This event proved a tremendous success, raising over £3,500 as well as being an enjoyable day. Guests not only had a tutorial session in the morning and a competition in the afternoon, but visited the Discovery Centre and the Egyptian room and the Temple room. Morning coffee, lunch and afternoon tea was included and prizes

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Town VS Gown Quiz

This event is to be held at the Discovery Centre at the Royal Latin School. There will be two teams; one representing the town, including the school, and the other from the University. John Bercow has agreed to be the quizmaster and Alan Heath, this year’s Mastermind champion and Buckingham resident, will set the questions

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Summer Soiree

Our next fundraising event is at Tingewick Hall on Friday 10th June. It’s a rare opportunity to visit this private house and its special gardens. There will be drinks and delicious canapés, and hopefully, lovely weather! All funds will go to support our local Citizens Advice that helps so many families and people living on

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