BACAB raises funds for Citizens’ Advice
in Buckingham, Winslow and the surrounding areas.

BACAB raises funds for Citizens Advice
in Buckingham, Winslow and the surrounding areas.

Our trained CAB advisors, many of them volunteers, will help you get your life back on track.

This is the vital service that BACAB exists to support. Each year we give £25,000 to our CA, every penny of which is raised from the local community and businesses.
Progress on our 2023-24 funding target
Aggressive Bailiffs Behaviour CAB

Alesa Case Study

Alesa phoned the Home Visiting team on the recommendation of another support agency whose remit was too limited to give the holistic help she needed.…
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Charles Case Study

Charles was referred to the Home Visiting team by his GP surgery. Although able to cope with the day to day physical tasks of being…
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Dora Case Study

Dora qualified for her state pension and was looking forward to her retirement. She had been in low paid employment but had managed to save…
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In the centre of Buckingham, on Market Hill, is the local Citizens Advice Bureau. Each year, they help an amazing one quarter of local residents with advice – including on debt and benefits – which helps them get their lives back on track. 

This office is the only place locally left to go for such help. All the benefits agencies are down in Aylesbury or over in Milton Keynes. As well as giving advice, the CAB sometimes has to give emergency support – the fare to Aylesbury or a coupon for the food bank.

In this rural area some clients cannot even make it in to see the CAB so a home visiting advice was set up over 10 years ago and trained advisers take their laptops out to find clients in the dignity of their own homes.

BACAB is the local charity dedicated to supporting this work. All our trustees come from in and around Buckingham and Winslow. We raise funds from local businesses and individuals. Each year we give around £25,000 to fund the home visiting service of the CAB.

The CAB receives no statutory government funding and actively seeks its own support through grants. Buckinghamshire Council gives a substantial grant as do the two town councils and other parishes and charities such as the Big Lottery Fund. BACAB weighs in with support from local individuals and businesses.

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