News and Events

Aggressive Bailiffs Behaviour CAB

Alesa Case Study

Alesa phoned the Home Visiting team on the recommendation of another support agency whose remit was too limited to give the holistic help she needed.…

Charles Case Study

Charles was referred to the Home Visiting team by his GP surgery. Although able to cope with the day to day physical tasks of being…

Dora Case Study

Dora qualified for her state pension and was looking forward to her retirement. She had been in low paid employment but had managed to save…
Rotary Swimathon 2020 in support of BACAB

Rotary Swimathon 2020

Team HardBrigShips is swimming in the Rotary 2020 Swimmathon in support of BACAB BACAB works to maintain the vital home-visiting service to residents in the…
The choir's favourites

Support from Lenborough Singers

A lovely concert with stunning singing was given in aid of BACAB in July. They sang their hearts out and all in aid of our…
BACAB Case Study

April Case Study

My name is April and the CAB Home Visiting team really helped me – here’s my story. Where would I be without them? I’ve been…
Town vs gown Buckingham Town 2018

Town vs Gown 2018

The annual  Town versus Gown Quiz takes place at the Royal Latin School on 16 November 2018. The winning team will be awarded The Bercow…
Council tax problem CAB

The problem with council tax debt

Almost every client that comes to BACAB or Citizens Advice as a whole has a problem with debts owes money on their council tax. Nationally,…
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The Buckingham Area Community Advice Bureau “BACAB” Foundation is an independent registered charity set up to ensure that the Citizens Advice in Buckingham, Winslow and the surrounding area is sufficiently funded to provide its core service to the local community.

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