The Buckingham Area Community Advice Bureau “BACAB” Foundation is an independent registered charity

Our purpose is to ensure that the Citizens Advice in Buckingham, Winslow and the surrounding area is sufficiently funded to provide its core service to the local community.


BACAB works to maintain the vital home-visiting service to residents in the countryside around here. We take the CAB services to people who, for whatever reason, need help, usually with debt and benefits. Sadly, there are many who live at the end of a track and bear their problems in silence and indeed stoically. We take advice to them, helping them get their lives back on track and contributing to their community again.


number of people we serve


in two towns

Buckingham and Winslow


and 56 outlying parishes

The History of BACAB

The Citizens Advice Service offers free, independent and confidential advice. It started out in 1939 as an emergency service, and has since evolved into a professional national agency. The CA gives advice and helps solve problems, including debt and consumer issues, benefits, housing, legal matters, employment, and immigration. Advisers can help fill out forms, write letters, negotiate with creditors and represent clients at court or tribunal.

At BACAB we have identified these services as crucial to our local community, and were set up specifically to ensure that they can still be effectively provided by trained and dedicated staff to the people of Buckingham, Winslow and the local District. We believe it is essential to maintain this support to those most vulnerable in our own community.

Our Objectives

To ensure that the Home Visiting Programme will continue.

To annually provide key funds needed by our local Citizens Advice.

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