Charles Case Study

Charles was referred to the Home Visiting team by his GP surgery. Although able to cope with the day to day physical tasks of being the main carer for his daughter and granddaughter, he felt troubled by the burdensome paperwork that accompanied the role as he was the personal representative for both. The adviser helped him to win an appeal against a reduction of his daughter’s Personal Independence Payment, to increase his granddaughter’s Disability Living Allowance, to claim Carer’s Allowance and to obtain a blue badge for parking. Charles said he was pleasantly surprised to discover there is a local home visiting service. Although he was aware of Citizens Advice, he had assumed it was for ‘one-off’ pieces of information and advice only and not on-going practical support with the complexities of welfare benefit claims and other applications.

Picture of Jane Mordue

Jane Mordue

Chair of BACAB. She has had many roles, as former Chair of our CAB, then vice chair of the national Citizens Advice.

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The Buckingham Area Community Advice Bureau “BACAB” Foundation is an independent registered charity set up to ensure that the Citizens’ Advice in Buckingham, Winslow and the surrounding area is sufficiently funded to provide its core service to the local community.

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