Town VS Gown Quiz

This event is to be held at the Discovery Centre at the Royal Latin School. There will be two teams; one representing the town, including the school, and the other from the University.

John Bercow has agreed to be the quizmaster and Alan Heath, this year’s Mastermind champion and Buckingham resident, will set the questions and referee.

Tickets cost £15 to include drinks and canapés. Further details will be posted nearer the time, but if you would like to register you interest please email

BACAB Town vs Gown quiz Buckingham Town

Picture of BACAB


Buckingham Area Community Advice Bureau (BACAB) raises funds for Citizens’ Advice in Buckingham, Winslow and the surrounding areas.

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The Buckingham Area Community Advice Bureau “BACAB” Foundation is an independent registered charity set up to ensure that the Citizens’ Advice in Buckingham, Winslow and the surrounding area is sufficiently funded to provide its core service to the local community.

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